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Depression Counselling

Depression can, at its mildest, be difficult to distinguish from simple unhappiness. It becomes an illness when it impairs a person’s ability to carry out their normal activities. In depression, sad feelings are felt much more intensely and for a longer period of time. Depression can be debilitating and reduce enjoyment of your own life as well as affecting those around you.

Depression Checklist:

Try to find a Cognitive Behaviour therapist.

Pick a therapist whose views on life are similar to your own.

If you don’t like your therapist, leave at once.

Faith in your therapist is a most important indicator of likely success.

Before psychotherapy, agree with the therapist on its aims and methods.

Mistrust a therapist who says you must get worse to get better.

If you are unable to function at work go to see your GP and be prepared to take prescribed drugs for depression.

If a psychiatrist suggests you need to go to hospital, do so. Respite from home is sometimes effective.

It’s a good idea to have a physical examination before starting therapy.

If you want advice on treatment contact your GP or a therapist offering Cognitive Behavioural Therapies.

Avoid personal growth groups as these can have an adverse effect if you are suffering from depression.

With help, support and time your depression will greatly improve.

Finally, remember that it is no disgrace to be mentally ill. Mental illness is particularly common in artists, musicians, poets and authors – some of the best minds in history have been plagued by depression.

Depression and managing your mood swings

Gather evidence on the key aspects of your problem to help give you a balanced understanding of what’s happening to you – consider accessing some of the following:

  • Published evidence based journals
  • Large scale research studies
  • Research studies involving randomized trials reporting on single peoples examples or a series of peoples examples
  • Textbooks and up to date self help leaflets
  • Talk to people with some experience of living or working with a disorder or problem
  • Watch out for articles, reports and programmes in the media – be aware though that these may lean toward their own particular ‘spin’.

Become an expert on your depression and mood swings:

1.  Construct a life line to give yourself a detailed understanding of your past experiences.

2.  Make yourself a table/matrix consisting of details of your experiences during your different mood swings.

3.  Make yourself a ‘risk list’ rating what factors may be causing your mood and include specific information about events, situations and behaviours that have a ‘high risk’ rating.

4.  After you have undergone the 3 steps above write yourself a summary to include:

  • The actual problems you are experiencing.
  • What you have found out about the causes of your mood swings?
  • When these mood swings occur?
  • What impact and consequences mood swings have had on your depression?
  • What steps you can take to control your mood swings?

If you are experiencing depression are troubled by mood swings or mental health worries contact me I can help you.